CENSOC Data Download

CENSOC data can be accessed after submitting the form below.

After submitting the form below, you will receive email with url from which you will be able to download the CENSOC data for a limited time. If you want to download the data again, just come back here and submit the form again.


By clicking "I agree" you are enthusiastically agreeing to our terms of use, which are:

  1. I will not redistribute the downloaded file. Instead I will refer others to this website to download the most recent version themselves.
  2. I will cite the data source in published work and research reports. The citation should include the following:

    Joshua R. Goldstein, Monica Alexander, Casey Breen, Andrea Miranda González, Felipe Menares, Maria Osborne, Mallika Snyder, and Ugur Yildirim. CenSoc Mortality File: Version 2.0. Berkeley: University of California, 2021.